Bible Nerds Daily
Bible Nerds Daily is a 10 minute podcast released Monday through Friday, looking at Scripture in its historic, geographic, religious and cultural context.
The Grace of God: How to Move on When We Fail
You've failed Jesus. You had the chance to stand with Him while He faced down His accusers. Instead, you told everyone around you that you didn't even know who He was. This is the moment you need the grace of God the most. And this is when you receive it. I'll prove it to you in less than 10 minutes.
The Apostle Peter: How to Fail as a Disciple
Christianity celebrates the Apostle Peter. Catholicism venerates him as the first Pope. Protestantism credits him with the declaration that Jesus is the "Son of God." He’s on the Mount Rushmore of the New Testament. But as a disciple, he was a failure. I’ll prove it to you in less than 10 minutes.
Am I Good Enough? Time for Self-Examination
All of Jesus’ disciples were rejects. They failed the test of discipleship long before the Rabbi from Nazareth came on the scene. Yet, Jesus called them to follow Him. It should force us to ask: am I good enough? It’s time for some self-examination. I’ll prove it to you in less than 10 minutes.
Discipleship is a Lot Harder Than You Think
First Century Discipleship was really hard. It required everything. And only a select few were given the privilege of following a rabbi. In fact, Jesus’ disciples had probably been rejected by other rabbis before He called them. I’ll prove it to you in less than 10 minutes.
Jesus’ Authority: It’s Time to Get Some Answers
In the days just before Jesus’ crucifixion, the religious leaders decided they’d had enough of Him. It was time to get some answers. They asked Jesus where He got His authority. Jesus’ answer to their question is brilliant. I’ll prove it to you in less than 10 minutes.
Was Jesus a Jewish Rabbi? (It Really Does Matter)
Was Jesus a Jewish Rabbi? And if so, what does that mean? When Jesus finished giving His interpretation of the Torah, the listeners were amazed. The Bible says: “He taught them with authority, and not like their scribes.” If you think that all this means is that He preached really confidently, you’re missing the whole point. I’ll prove it to you in less than 10 minutes.
What is Discipleship? (It’s NOT What You Think It Is)
The Talmud has a very special “blessing” in it: “May you be covered in the dust of your rabbi, and may you drink deeply from their words.” A disciple sought to follow and observe their rabbi so closely that they would become covered in the dust the rabbi kicked up as he walked down the road. And this was considered the highest of honors. This is what discipleship meant in Jesus’ day. I’ll prove it to you in less than 10 minutes.
Yeshua: The Hebrew Name of Jesus and Why It’s So Important
Some people believe that the name “Jesus” is an invention of Satan, put in place through the Church in order to take us away from the true Messiah, Yeshua. The name “Jesus” is really a code for “Hail Zeus.” It's invoking a pagan deity. Before you drive off the road or spit out your coffee, understand that I believe this is pure rubbish. I’ll prove it to you in less than 10 minutes.
Shalom: Bringing Order to a Chaotic World
The Story of the Bible begins with YHWH molding an unfinished creation into a perfect paradise. He places humanity in a garden with instructions to steward this new world on His behalf. But man sins. And with that sin chaos descends. Since then, YHWH has been ordering this chaos. This is the meaning of the Hebrew word, “shalom.” I’ll prove it to you in less than 10 minutes.
Chesed: God’s Love is a War Cry
The Kingdom of Judah was doomed. Their enemies surrounded and greatly outnumbered them. Their only hope was to cry out to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and ask for Him to intervene. What happened next should teach us how we should fight our battles. It all begins with knowing that God’s love is our war cry. I’ll prove it to you in less than 10 minutes.