Recent Posts
The Slaughter of the Innocents: Jesus as the New Israel
In the story of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus fleeing Israel and seeking refuge in Egypt, we see many allusions to Old Testament Scripture. The Slaughter of the Innocents mirrors pharaoh’s murder of the baby boys in the Exodus story. That one is easy to see. But Matthew ties in two other passages from the Hebrew Scriptures. And these are much more difficult to work with.
Yeshua: The Hebrew Name of Jesus and Why It’s So Important
Some people believe that the name “Jesus” is an invention of Satan, put in place through the Church in order to take us away from the true Messiah, Yeshua. The name “Jesus” is really a code for “Hail Zeus.” It's invoking a pagan deity. Before you drive off the road or spit out your coffee, understand that I believe this is pure rubbish. I’ll prove it to you in less than 10 minutes.
Shalom: Bringing Order to a Chaotic World
The Story of the Bible begins with YHWH molding an unfinished creation into a perfect paradise. He places humanity in a garden with instructions to steward this new world on His behalf. But man sins. And with that sin chaos descends. Since then, YHWH has been ordering this chaos. This is the meaning of the Hebrew word, “shalom.” I’ll prove it to you in less than 10 minutes.
Chesed: God’s Love is a War Cry
The Kingdom of Judah was doomed. Their enemies surrounded and greatly outnumbered them. Their only hope was to cry out to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and ask for Him to intervene. What happened next should teach us how we should fight our battles. It all begins with knowing that God’s love is our war cry. I’ll prove it to you in less than 10 minutes.
Biblical Justice: Why The World Gets It Wrong
Biblical Justice is a difficult topic. Our definition of the term is clouded by political agendas and terrible theology. In the Biblical Worldview, followers of Christ understand that justice isn't just a good idea. It's required. So, we better understand what it means. It starts with a Hebrew word that means both “righteousness” and “charity.” I’ll prove it to you in less than 10 minutes.
Shema: The Most Important Word in the Bible
“Did you hear what I said?” My wife, Christy, and I say these words a lot. We may be trying to get our boys to do any number of things. The point is always the same: stop doing what you’re doing, listen to what I’m saying and obey it. This is the meaning of the Hebrew word, “shema.” It’s the most important word in the Bible. I’ll prove it to you in less than 10 minutes.
We Three Kings? It’s NOTHING Like Your Nativity Set!
Your nativity set is defective. If it has "we three kings" at the manger presenting their gifts right alongside shepherds to a “dear 8 pounds 6 ounces newborn infant Jesus, who don't even know a word yet,” this episode should turn the entire Christmas story on its head for you. When the Magi entered Jerusalem seeking the “King of the Jews,” Herod saw this as a potential invasion.
Matthew 5:39 – Jesus Doesn’t Want You To Be a Wimp
You’ve been told a lie. “Turn the other cheek" (Matthew 5:39) isn’t a commandment to be weak. It’s a call to defiance. I’ll prove it to you in less than 10 minutes.
Romans 13:1 – It’s Okay For Christians to Fight Back
William Wilberforce. Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Joan of Arc. These and others like them were righteous followers of Jesus who resisted corrupt governments and their practices. But, many believe that Romans 13:1 teaches all Christians to submit to the government blindly, because these authorities are appointed by God. They’re wrong, and I’ll prove it to you in less than 10 minutes.
Psalm 46:10 – What Happens When God Gets Fed Up?
Psalm 46:10 says “Be still and know that I am God.” When we hear this, we usually think of peace. When God said it, He had something very different in mind. I’ll prove it to you in less than 10 minutes.